Anton Zoran Mušič (Boccavizza 12/02/1909 - 25/05/2005 Venice) with Dalmatian origins, Venice became the city of his adoption. After completing the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 1934 he is dedicated to travel. The artist lived between Madrid, Paris, Vienna and Zurich before settling in Venice in 1940.
Mušič in 1943 was deported to Dachau, where difficult conditions feverishly in different designs depicting the suffering in the camps. After his release, the artist returned to Venice in 1945. Here with his works, exhibited at the Biennale in 1950, won the first prize. In 1951 and in 1952 he received the Prix de Paris, first together with Corpora and subsequently alone.
The representation of Dalmatian landscape of his childhood are the starting point for the resumption of his painting activity. The next step is the contrast with the environment in which they live and Italian landscapes. The style of music is strongly influenced by Byzantine mosaics and icons. In the '50s, the artist also works in Paris, where the “lyrical abstraction”, the so-called French Informel, widely characterized his artistic life. However, Mušič opens his studio and exhibited in Venice Biennale in 1956 and again in 1960. This time is allocated for graphics artist award and the Unesco Prize.
In the 60s the organic themes of music becomes more abstract and composition of images is detached from the laws that govern the representation of deep space. The much appreciated "We are not the last" is made in the 70s. In these works Mušič transforms the horrors of his experiences in the camp in evidence of a universal tragedy. The artist's works are appreciated in many international exhibitions, such as a major retrospective was held at the Grand Palais in Paris in 1995.
In 2009 for the centenary of the birth of the Master, the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti at Palazzo Franchetti in Venice dedicated the exhibition "Zoran Music. Estreme figure".
In 2011, the International Gallery of Modern Art of Cŕ Pesaro presents "Adriatica". A tribute to Zoran Music, with some works made between 1959 and 1961 and inspired by the frequent returns to Istria and Dalmatia.
From 19/11 to 19/02/2012 the exhibition "Zoran Music. Se questo č un uomo" at Palazzo Leone da Perego of Legnano (Mi).

Zoran Music Paesaggio Dalmata 1952 olio su tela cm 63X90

Zoran Music Paesaggio Motivo Dalmata 1966 olio su tela cm 50X65
© 2008