Oscar Cavallet was born in Venice on 1909, he was formed at the work of Bevilacqua La Masa whose exhibitions began to exhibit starting in 1929, participating regularly until 1956. We participated alongside such masters historical Semeghini and Moggioli, Da Venezia and Varagnolo, Seibezzi and Dalla Zorza, for example.
He also exhibited at La Biennale, between 1936 and 1950, showing precisely in this period a formal distance from his fellow adventure, close to the so-called School of Burano.
Although he painted many views of the lagoon, Oscar Cavallet in fact had developed a personal expressive figure, more complex and articulated, manifested for example by some still lifes and above all, with a series of intense and self-portraits of friends and loved people.
As was evident in the large retrospective exhibition that was dedicated in 2004 in Barchessa Villa Giustinian Morosini in Mirano, in which were exposed, "ritratto della moglie Celeste" of 1938 and "la bella" of 1947, now in the collection of the Foundazione Venezia. Interestingly seemed then, on that occasion, "Nudo in un interno" of 1946, a painting full of a strong sense of melancholy. Works, those cited, which, are "far" from the Venetian painting of his time, showing formal values that have yet to be properly brought to light.
Stylus in 1947 writes: "Oscar Cavallet is Venetian birth and election. In his artistic evolution sometimes we see the study of the great French of the end of the century admired in Paris, but he remains a Venetian painter. The way artistic of Cavallet is full of sweet intimacy and delicate sensitivity. It is in bright and vibrant landscapes, sweet young figures, in which we can see a delightful sense of veiled melancholy, spirituality, in which the author achieves a remarkable maturity of plastic and clour expression."
The "Dean" of Venetian painters died on 12/07/2008 in San Vito Chietino in Abruzzo.

Oscar Cavallet Autoritratto 1937

Oscar Cavallet Celeste Anni 1940
© 2008