Amelia Casonato Da Forno (Nervesa della Battaglia 1878 - Conegliano 1969) operates as a skilled painter for over 40 years in Egypt, in Cairo, where he founded an art school. As pictorial subjects she prefers plants and flowers.
He soon moves to Belluno with her family where he directs a hotel. Later, after graduating from high school, Amelia is sent by his parents to study in Venice at the Fine Arts Accademy to cultivate her innate artistic talent. She studies with Giuseppe Ciardi and Ettore Tito profesors.
In Venice she meets Diego Casonato and with him an overwhelming love born, which drives the two young people to marry in secret from their parents and, in 1902, to flee to Egypt. Amelia works for Pasha and King Fouad, father of the then prince Farouk, decorating their palaces. Meanwhile, the husband becomes a manager at the Banca Italo Egyptian in Cairo, while Amelia founds the first art school in Cairo.
Amelia Da Forno participates in three editions of Venice Biennale at Egyptian pavilion. She exhibites in London, Brussels, Genoa, Rome, Venice (Ca 'Giustiniani - Bevilacqua La Masa) and annually in Cairo and Alexandria. Meanwhile the husband dies still young (52 years). When the Second World War broke out, Amelia leaves Egypt with the last ship available (The Galileo) to Italy. During the Second World War she moves to Conegliano and Cortina.
After the war she returnes to Egypt continuing her artistic activities. In 1948 in Venice, Amelia mets Sir Winston Churchill in the guise of a charming English watercolourist. Amelia gives him a watercolor with its flowers. After the meeting with Churchill, Amelia is presented to the industrialist Giovanni Battista Meneghini, who accompanied a young Maria Callas, next to debut at the Gran Teatro La Fenice in Venice.
In 1952 she retired to Conegliano, ties of friendship with the family Fabris and she continues painting and doing exhibitions in Italy until his death.

Amelia Casonato Natura morta con frutta Inch 26X30

Amelia Casonato Vaso di fiori

Amelia Casonato Vaso floreale
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