Virgilio Guidi (Rome 1891 - Venice 1984). The Guidi painting originally formed under the guidance of GA Sartorio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and then undergoes a certain influence of Spadini for mature finally in full autonomy in from reflections on the work of Piero della Francesca and Giotto.
The artist began to exhibit in 1915 called for the exhibition of Roman Secession; since then, there is equity to the most important artistic events - Biennials of Rome and Venice, Rome Quadriennali, Trade Union of Lazio.
Very Soon Guidi states as an undisputed protagonist of the Italian artistic life: Mother who rises (1921), exhibited at the Venice Biennale of'22, in a solemn reminder to Piero della Francesca.
The desire to displace the image in the metaphysical sense appears evident in works such as The blimp (1922), but especially By Tram (1923, Rome, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna), the latter acquired in 1924 at the Venice Biennale, a masterpiece "metaphysical" of the Twenties and reference point for purism first and then for new generations Roman (Di Cocco to Mazzacurati to tonalisti).
The late twenties, named to succeed Ettore Tito chair of the painting at the Venice, abandons Rome.
Especially significant participation in the exhibition "Ten Italian artists of the twentieth century", organized by Margherita Sarfatti all 'exposure Amatori and Cultori of 1927 (The painter exhibits outdoors) and the staff room Quadrennial II to the Roman'35.
In the latter occasion formula in a written some important considerations about painting. Light, shape and colour are - and will remain - an inseparable trinity, the only suitable means to express an idea that the painting is basically need for a clear measure mental.
Even when, starting from the fifties, the reference to figuration it will become less explicit, continuity with the previous production will be maintained in tension metaphysical space-light, further sublimated by the fundamental Venetian experience.
On 2013, at Piazzola sul Brenta, Villa Contarini, the exhibition "Virgilio Guidi. Le grandi opere" from 23/03 to 30/06. Fifty works from important private collections and public institutions. It has been privileged the later production, from the Second World War until the eighties, the so-called "third period".

Virgilio Guidi San Giorgio 1957 olio su tela cm 50X70

Virgilio Guidi I Giardini e la Salute 1950
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