Oddino Guarnieri (Adria 09/04/1932 - Mestre, 13/12/2015) from early age he painted as self-taught with the help of the artist Ugo Boccato, a family friend. After the flood of Polesine in 1951 he moved to Venice where he learned the tecnique as a restorer with prof. Pedrocco. Guarnieri simultaneously participates at painting classes with teachers Cesetti and Cadorin at Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice. He participates in 1958 at the exibition of the young Italian painters in Paris.
In 1961 he starts the collaboration with Emilio Vedova. He is, in 1962, awarded by the magazine Le Arti with the painter Scanavino. With this one, Guarnieri is present in the art scene of Milan with Fontana, Crippa and Dova. In 1965, winning the first prize for painting work at Bevilacqua La Masa in Venice, he gets a studio in Palazzo Carminati.
In the sixties he cooperates with the group Dialettica delle Tendenze in various exhibitions in many cities of Italy. He exhibits mainly in Milan (gallery delle ore, Schettini, Medea) and Venice where he started the collaboration with Gianni De Marco's Gallery Il Traghetto. In 1967 he collaborates with the Venetian Artists Group for a folder screen, exibited in various Italian cities and in Ljubljana.
In 1970 Guarnieri is invited by the critic Marchiori at Ramazzotti Prize in Milan. In the same year he is reported by the critic Apollonio in the Bolaffi national catalog of Modern Art.
On his work come critics write as Apollonio, Branzi, Budda, Cara, Guidi, Marchiori, Marussi, Minassian, Rizzi, Toniato, Valsecchi. His works are in public and private collections in Italy and abroad and also at the International Gallery of Modern Art of Ca 'Pesaro, Venice.

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Oddino Guarnieri photo by © Alain Chivilò

Oddino Guarnieri photo by © Alain Chivilò

Oddino Guarnieri photo by © Alain Chivilò

Oddino Guarnieri photo by © Alain Chivilò

Oddino Guarnieri Senza titolo 1970 Tecnica mista su carta intelata cm28X35,50 Collezione privata
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