Renato Borsato (Venice 14/12/1927 - 05/07/2013) lives in his hometown where he works in his studio at St. Vio. In addition to Italy his artistic work has developed in other countries such as France, Switzerland, Austria, England. Since 1950 Borsato participates in provincial, regional, national and international exhibitions.
He was also among the best young post-war in Italy, attracting the attention of critics and public, especially as winner of numerous awards in painting. In 1953 he worked for several months in Paris as guest of Dr. Edonard Garde. In the same year, with a French landscape he obtains a prize at third Prize Burano.
He was accepted by the jury enters for the first time at the XXVII International Art Biennale of Venice in 1954 with a group of five works by obtaining the prize Tursi. Stay working in Friuli in Spilimbergo, Sequals, Tramonti. In 1955 he obtained a scholarship from the French government, brings us back to Paris and in the meantime visit to Brittany, Normandy and Rouen. In the autumn of that year he painted in Travesio in Friuli, and is called the Seventh Quadrennial Romana 1955. The following year he exhibited at the XXVIII Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition of paintings by three to obtain official recognition as a purchase by the President on. G. Gronchi and one from the Gallery of Modern Art in Rome. In the same year in Paris, invited by the Directorate of Marcel Bernheim Gallery for a solo French is interviewed on television. In 1957 he stayed in Milan, and the next year running a wall for a room at the Savoy Hotel in Trieste.
Renato Borsato has been a member of the jury to Collective Opera Bevilacqua La Masa years: 1956, 1957, 1960, 1962.1964, 1965, 1966. Exhibitions in Florence 1968, 1970, 1973, in Siena Moon 1974. In the years 1981-1983 exhibited at Gallery 'Il Traghetto' Venice and the Galleria Rovani in Genoa. In 1986, the Cultural Club of Monopoli (Bari) hosted its staff. From 1979 to 1986 he was President of the Foundation "Bevilacqua La Masa" For the Theatre, Borsato was responsible for theater Ca 'Foscari of Venice staging the opera "Drums in the Night" by Bertolt Brecht in 1958, and on behalf of the Teatro La Fenice in Venice handled the staging for the works "Turandot," 1960, "La Traviata", 1961, 'Butterfly', 1962. Among the major awards are: 1st Prize at the 2nd Exhibition of the Riviera del Brenta (1952), two first prizes and two seconds at 40a, 41a, 42a, 43a, Bevilacqua La Masa Collective; Award Tursi XXVIIth the International Biennale ' Art in Venice in 1954 1st Prize San Fedele (1955); II Premio Michetti (1956); a prize at the International Junior Painting in Moscow (1957); Award Rotary Club of the XXIX Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition of Venice (1958); Soppelsa Award at the XXXII International Art Biennale of Venice, the Rotary Club Award at the 50th Venice Show Opera Bevilacqua La Masa (1962), 1st prize at "Premio Caorle" (1963), Special Prize established at the sixth Siiedison Marghera Mestre Painting Award in 1963, a purchase prize in Milan in Art Award "Maternity '(1966), 1st prize ex aequo "National Award Pordenone" (1966).

Renato Borsato Tramonto nel sud 1969 cm 50X70 olio su tela

Renato Borsato Venezia cm 40X50 olio su tela

Renato Borsato Il mio giardino cm 34X28 olio su cartone telato

Renato Borsato Ricordo di Milano cm 60X80 olio su tela

Renato Borsato nel suo studio 23-10-2010, photo by © Alain Chivilò
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