Nino Springolo (Treviso 1886 - Treviso 1975).
He is one of the Masters "genius" of Venetian art, but always he lived apart. His stages were: 1907 pupils at Cesare Laurenti, 1908 with five pictures he was at Opera Bevilacqua La Masa; 1909/10 in Monaco; the friendship with the protagonists of Cā Pesaro and especially with Gino Rossi; the early (1909) in the new landscape painting of the lagoon so-called School of Burano; the melancholy tone of still lifes around 1912; the unrest and secessionist symbolic little later; the pointillist period of 1913/14; the violent colors and the first sign of post-war works.
The personality of Springolo matures in the postwar years at Onč di Fonte, where in 1923 the artist has a distinct personality and unmistakable. From here we have the beautiful portraits, the Onč landscapes, still lifes, the Montello and Treviso views. To these characters Springolo will always remain faithful in a life lived under the sign of the whole painting.

Nino Springolo Autoritratto

Nino Springolo Campo giallo 1928 cm35X43 olio su cartone

Nino Springolo Case presso la collina 1921 olio su tela cm35X43

Nino Springolo Acque e pioppi 1937 olio su compensato Musei Civici Tv Museo del Paesaggio
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