Pio Antonio Semeghini (Bondanello di Quistello, provincia di Mantova, 31/01/1878 - Verona 11/03/1964) born by Giuseppe and Emilia Zanini. He has four brothers (Elvira, born in 1870 and died in 1886, Antonio, born in 1875 and died in 1931, and Enrico Guido, born in 1880 and died in 1962). The father did not accept the choices of Pio, who leaves school early, not happy to discipline and with a desire to find his way as an artist. In 1916 we find in Venice, as evidenced by a ticket 20.2.1916.
In 1919 something happened again, before being called to arms Semeghini knew the primitive group of painters of Burano and Nino Barbantini It is precisely Barbantini to invite him to his first exhibition in the renewed Ca Pesaro the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, which reopens its doors with "XI Exhibition of Art in Palazzo Pesaro in Venice - Year 1919" (July 13 to October 5, 1919). The press agrees recognizing Semeghini an important artist on the national scene, with some misunderstanding as to Carrą who gave greetings to the young painter, recognizing him in the fabric of the artist. Gino Damerini ( "Gazzetta di Venezia", 18.7.1919) identifies impressionism roots, which are added "... ). With him expose Gino Rossi (8 paintings and some drawings), Felice Casorati, Guido Cadorin and Umberto Moggioli (died in Rome a few months), and some new names: the Veronese Guido Trentini, Angelo Zamboni, Antonio Nardi.
In 1926 Semeghini was at the "XV Venice Biennale." It is an important moment for the artist.
In 1931 he participates in the First Quadrenniale, from January 3 to June 15, at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni. Semeghini take part at the invitation with five works.
The 1932 is a fairly rich years of shareholdings in trade fairs and interventions critical to him. In 1936 the central event of the year is the twentieth Biennale di Venezia, which Semeghini is invited and present in the room XL six oils and two folders of drawings (which do not appear in the catalogue, but are remembered by the letter of Juti Ravenna): The Head of a woman Lambro, Flowers, Landscape in Brianza, Still life.
After 1945 he participated at La Biennale di Venezia, in important exhibitions, many prizes and positive criticism.

Pio Semeghini Autoritratto 1913 tempera su carta riportata su compensato cm65X50

Pio Semeghini Rimorchiatore alla Giudecca 1913 olio su tela cm38X52

Pio Semeghini Acquaforte 1906 mm90X60

Pio Semeghini, Volto di donna, 1930, olio su tavola, 39 x 33 cm, Milano, collezione privata Mostra Semeghini e il Chiarismo tra Milano e Mantova 2006 Mantova, Palazzo Te

Pio Semeghini, Bragozzi a Chioggia, 1939, olio su tavola, 55 x 64 cm, Modena, collezione privata Mostra Semeghini e il Chiarismo tra Milano e Mantova 2006 Mantova, Palazzo Te

Pio Semeghini, Il ponte di Chioggia, 1939, olio su compensato, 60,5 x 70,3 cm, Verona, collezione privata Mostra Semeghini e il Chiarismo tra Milano e Mantova 2006 Mantova, Palazzo Te

Pio Semeghini, Ultime luci in laguna (Mazzorbetto), 1939, olio su tavola, 50 x 60 cm, Modena, collezione privata Mostra Semeghini e il Chiarismo tra Milano e Mantova 2006 Mantova, Palazzo Te

Pio Semeghini, Natura morta con verza, 1922, olio su compensato, 43,9 x 59,6 cm, Verona, Deposito Fondazione Pio Semeghini Onlus Mostra Semeghini e il Chiarismo tra Milano e Mantova 2006 Mantova, Palazzo Te
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