Rino Villa (The Mesola 1904 - Venezia 1994). Exhibitions most important of which he took part: the Biennale di Venezia, Quadriennale di Roma, collective Ca Pesaro, Padova.
Valeri Diego in 1934 for personnel at the press circle of Bologna wrote: "… the true master of Villa was Semeghini if teacher is a good artist that helps, perhaps unintentionally, a young artist to find and understand himself and carry out his personality. Rino Villa now do everything by himself: he sees with his eyes, he hears with his heart, he has an accent expressive its own … A kindles venetian note is at the top of his work whatever the theme.
Paulo Rizzi at the Giorgione house in Castelfranco Veneto in 1934 wrote: "… Villa was, at the end of the 1920, one of the initiators (together with Seibezzi, Da Venezia, Ravenna, Bergamini, Mori, Dalla Zorza, etc.). of renewal in an impressionistic key of Venetian painting: the ongoing reassessment of this "season" involves himself, although he has always lived apart, outside the mode …”.

Rino Villa Laguna Veneta 1961 Olio su tela cm61X80

Rino Villa Ritratto 1932 Olio su tavola cm 64X50

Rino Villa Paesaggio Olio su tavola cm 30X40

Rino Villa Un canale a Torcello 1952 olio su tavola cm 17X24
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