Carlo Cherubini (Ancona 1897 - Venezia 1978), already seventeen was admitted at La Biennale di Venezia where he returns in the years 1922-24-26. Moved to Paris in the thirties he performs important works in affresco: for example the decorations for the "Lido". In 1926 he had already decorated a room at coffee Martini in Venice. At the exhibition of French artists in Paris he receives, in 1930, the "Mention of honour". Two years later he obtained the silver medal.
In 1923, after decorated a room in the Latin Quarter of Paris, he travels to New York to perform a work at Lido Club of Long Island. A year later, in Venice and then to Paris. Later he returned to Italy on the eve of World War II.
Mario Stefani wrote: "in him tradition and modernity are based similarly without destroy and at times he is the most successful singer from the tireless human figure in colour, of all its sensitivity as an artist. In these moments Carlo Cherubini becomes the Master we all know, the intelligent heir of many great Venetian painters of the past. His language, then, becomes European, free of every preconception to reach a secret harmony. He stops the moment, he takes in a face, in the eyes, the mystery of life, he seeks the light through his own exaltation … Many times the picture becomes an expression of a state of mind, a subtle melancholy, a spleen of Baudelair, an abandonment of a thoughtful moment borne of sadness … For this Carlo Cherubini has its own character states and is also the singer secret of our own mind".
On 2012 the exhibition "Carlo Cherubini. A Venetian painter in Paris" at Nuova Arcadia Gallery in Padua.

Carlo Cherubini Natura morta con fiori Olio su tavola cm85X40

Carlo Cherubini Natura morta con fagiano Olio su tela cm60X80

Carlo Cherubini Un veneziano a Parigi, Scorzč Villa Orsini

Carlo Cherubini Un veneziano a Parigi, Scorzč Villa Orsini

Carlo Cherubini Un veneziano a Parigi, Scorzč Villa Orsini

Carlo Cherubini Un veneziano a Parigi, Scorzč Villa Orsini

Carlo Cherubini. Un pittore veneziano a Parigi presso la Galleria Nuova Arcadia di Padova

Carlo Cherubini. Un pittore veneziano a Parigi presso la Galleria Nuova Arcadia di Padova

Carlo Cherubini. Un pittore veneziano a Parigi presso la Galleria Nuova Arcadia di Padova

Carlo Cherubini. Un pittore veneziano a Parigi presso la Galleria Nuova Arcadia di Padova

Carlo Cherubini. Un pittore veneziano a Parigi presso la Galleria Nuova Arcadia di Padova

Carlo Cherubini. Un pittore veneziano a Parigi presso la Galleria Nuova Arcadia di Padova

Carlo Cherubini. Un pittore veneziano a Parigi presso la Galleria Nuova Arcadia di Padova

Carlo Cherubini. Un pittore veneziano a Parigi presso la Galleria Nuova Arcadia di Padova

Carlo Cherubini. Un pittore veneziano a Parigi presso la Galleria Nuova Arcadia di Padova
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