Attilio Carrer Battaglia, born in Battaglia (PD) 1912, has studied at the Institute of Art in Venice. Among the exhibitions: Ca Pesaro, Bevilacqua La Masa, Padova, Split, Ravenna, Charleroi, Brugge, the premium Carlo Dalla Zorza and Michetti.
Guglielmo Gigli wrote: "… Attilio Battle Carrer: a painter who lived part of the glorious years of Ca 'Pesaro, follower of the pictorial tradition of the school of Burano. Landscapes and figures, the great moments of this tradition achieved through colour and Carrer Battaglia feels the colour not only in its essentiality dialectic, but also in its ability to structure. It develops so dilated landscapes where the infinite is only touching visually the blue rose of a sky always gently warm and where compositional items are enriched of different tone; tones that reflect a feeling, a state of mind… "

Attilio Battaglia Carrer Natura morta e paesaggio 1976 olio su tela cm 40X60

Attilio Battaglia Carrer Nudo di donna che si pettina 1950 olio su tavola cm100X62,5
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