Italo Bassani (Arbus 1907 - Venezia 1963) Italo Bassani (Arbus 1907 - Venezia 1963) moved to Venice in 1921 where, after classical studies, followed the courses of the School of Art and of the Academy. Teaching was a primary occupation and he was in Abruzzo, in Sulmona, and then in South Tyrol, in Ortisei and finally he became Professor of Painting at the Art of Padua, where he taught until his death.
He won the painting prize for the VI Mostra Regionale del Sindacato Belle Arti a Venezia in 1935; Mostra del Sindacato Belle Arti della Venezia Tridentina ato Trento in 1941 and the prize of the Ministry of Education in 1944 for artistic activity as a teacher of painting. Many were the Exhibitions at Bevilacqua La Masa, Cagliati, Trento, Palermo, Venice, etc..
In 1980 Ernani Costantini wrote: "private man, dedicated to his family and his job teaching at the Institute of art" Riccardo Selvatico "Padua, Italy Bassani cultivated two passions: fishing and painting. The one and the other as a need for silence and research interior. So large areas of the lagoon have been able to see - alternately with the tools of the fisherman and those of the painter - a man who, in his recollection, felt the need for an awareness of those values deep, aesthetic and human, who allowed, even in its isolation, to find and express the true poetry of nature and life”.

Italo Bassani Paesaggio XIV Olio su tela cm49X71
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