Armando Tonello (Vittorio Veneto 1897 - Ivi 2000)
Born in Vittorio Veneto he continues in Venice its activities after graduating painting at the Art of the city, he exposed to the exhibitions of Cŕ pesaro (Opera Bevilacqua La Masa) from 1920 onwards, also appearing at the Bienniali of Venice in 1938, 40, 42, 48.
In 1946 participates in the “mostra Mediterranea d’Arte” in Palermo, “Premio Colomba, al “Premio Burano”. Then followed invitations and personal exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
From "Arte Triveneta" 1979/80: "a judgement, Tonello a master of Venetian painting that echoes still valid today fruitful season of the lagoon impressionism”.

Armando Tonello Pattuglia di Fanti 1942 olio su tela cm157X151

Armando Tonello Antologia del paesaggio vittoriese e dintorni

Armando Tonello Villaggio a Tambre 1931 olio su tela cm51X65
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