Alessandro Pomi (Mestre 1890 - Venezia 1976)
He was a pupil of Ettore Tito at the Academy of Belle Arti in Venice and then he completed his studies in Munich and Rome. It was 1910, his first exposure to Ca Pesaro and two years later at the Venice Biennale where returns in 14 years, 22, 24, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 42, 48.
He participated in various exhibitions in Italy and abroad (Pittsburgh, London, Buenos Aires, Monaco Munich, Milan, Venice, Treviso, etc.).. Among the many works the great altarpiece made in Sydney and paintings of the Way of the Cross for the Cathedral of Treviso.
Gugliemo Gigli wrote: "... always aiming to flee the push of vanguard renovations, preferring to work on "their" choices and "personal" beliefs about the need not to depart ever from the problems of "technique of painting", as Ettore Tito had taught to him.
The result was the opposition between the vanguard of Cą pesaro and the group of the Circolo Artistico del Ponte della Paglia (we are around 1920) he was on the side of the second with Lino Selvatico, with Cosimo Privato, with Umberto Martina.
Pomi, in short, looked with too suspicion towards the innovation of new proposals to accept a Sironi or Carrą and not to say that De Chirico that was the most traumatic moment of breaking with tradition".
For more information visit the website dedicated clicking here on the name of Alessandro Pomi

Alessandro Pomi Deposizione 1960 Olio su tavola cm 70X100 Galleria Civica di arte medievale moderna e contemporanea Vittorio Veneto Coll Maria Paludetti

Alessandro Pomi Affresco Cinema Excelsior Mestre

Alessandro Pomi Affresco Cinema Excelsior Mestre totale

Alessandro Pomi Mimose 1926 Olio su cartone cm 67X55

Alessandro Pomi Nudo Femminile Olio su masonite cm 73X57
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