Marco Novati, as written by the art critic Alain Chivilò, painted pictorial photographs as witness of various social classes of the twentieth century in Venice. Characters part, at that time, of people walked side by side to many of us, according to the generations, which has now completely disappeared. A financial misadventure family did understand the Master that life is hard and merciless, so the reality characterizes a new approach to his earthly existence: no more compromises, but a strong realism. Just from here his constant artistic research leads to an originality outside the dominant lagoon art scene.
In contrast to the portrait, landscape made free Marco Novati towards a dimension diluted and less painful: there is the joy of life and appreciate the nature of creation.
The year 2015 marks the publication of a new monograph written by art critic and curator Alain Chivilò: "Marco Novati Vite Vissute".
In the forty years from his death and CXX from his birth is drawn, in a contemporary approach, the Novati artistic life, expanding and adding reviews on the subject less or no in-depth views from past decades. The extensive presence of images of the artist for the first time published, linked with his paintings, place this work in a revaluation action of his art. It was necessary, almost fifty years from the latest catalogs unobtainable, an historical reconstruction based on documents, eyewitness accounts and critical insights in order to lay the foundations for a revival of the Master and peer reflection of his painter friends.
Marco Novati was born in Venice on 20/5/1895. The various studies and jobs done abroad until the outbreak of the Great War (Switzerland, Germany and France) together with portraits seen in Gino Rossi exhibitions, linked with the examination of the Vanguards, completed his itinerary of artistic maturity.
The art knowledge happened, however, through the lessons imparted by the painter Emilio Paggiaro between 1919 and 1921. However Novati is considered self-taught.
The turning point in his life came when failed the different family activities, bringing him to survival. The young painter, devoid of concrete experience, was faced with the hardships of life. Succeeded him in a kind of fury, of anguish, of rebellion. This gave rise to his gloomy and hopeless realism. The subjects are figures depicting often old in job tasks and/or at bàcari. The latter drinking, singing, playing music or drunk.
Here that his painting is loaded dramatically strong pessimism, because no one will improve their condition. Differently in the portraits on commission the Master will be less hard coming into perspective portraiture more canonical but always of a high standard.
A thought, perhaps too abused and cited in the past, stated that as artist "clandestine" gave the best of himself "when, like olive, i am crushed."
He participated to different Venice Biennale editions, to numerous solo and group exhibitions, made during his life and posthumously. To him were written numerous articles, reviews, magazines and books both in the past and present.
Marco Novati died in Venice on 24/7/1975.
On 2015 the news: out the new art book "Marco Novati Volti Vissuti" by Alain Chivilò. A contemporary vision that joins the endless books about past artists.

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Marco Novati Suonatore di Chitarra cm. 69x56 Olio su compensato

Marco Novati Testa d'Uomo cm. 39x47 Olio su cartone

Marco Novati All'Osteria cm. 30x40 - tecnica mista su tavola

Novati marco Villa Foscari Widman olio su tela cm 70X100

Novati Marco Canal Grande sx e Rio Veneziano dx 1956 olio su tavola 16X11

Marco Novati Nonsolo con Messale 1927 Olio cm60X40 Coll Privata

Marco Novati Ciccaiolo Olio su tavola CM 102X89 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Marco Novati Interno con persone davanti al focolare Olio su cartone CM 71X102 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Marco Novati Ritratto di donna in rosa Olio su tavola CM. 68X54 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Marco Novati Ritratto di Fanciulla olio su tavola cm 65X50

Marco Novati Ritratto di Vecchio Marinaio olio su tela cm 31X41

Marco Novati Ritratto di vecchio Olio su cartone CM. 60X51 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Marco Novati Ritratto dell'attore Moissi anni 30 olio su tela cm 90X65

Marco Novati L'uomo del popolo 1940 Olio cm30X25 Coll Privata

Marco Novati Bue squartato 1950 circa Olio cm60X100 Coll Privata

Marco Novati Gondole a San Vio 1963 Olio su tela cm 60X100 Collezione privata

Marco Novati Gondoliere 1951 Guash su cartone cm34X42 Collezione privata

Marco Novati Volti Vissuti
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