Toni Piccolotto, known as Pistagna, (Lentiai 1903, Nevegal 1970). Since the post-war he attended the study of the famous painter zumellese Luigi Cima. In 1921 he moved to Venice where he attended the school of art of Carmini and then, after a break to meet the obligation of military service, he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts. The leaves soon, much satisfactory and he enrolled in the School of Freedom Nudo.
The Venetians years are rich of experiences. In 1926 tightens friendship with Seibezzi, Neno Mori, Dalla Zorza, Da Venezia and others and the following year the environment Palace Carminati, also attending the exhibition of Bevilacqua La Masa.
In 1928 he was in Buenos Aires searching of fortune, he exhibited at the gallery Witcomb gaining prestigious awards, but the nostalgia for his land he does return to home country.
In 1929 sets in Turin in'31 to gallery Ape Rome the following years in Padua at Palazzo Mion. In' 34 he was awarded an important recognition Accademy of Italy. In' 37 he exhibited in Milan, Belluno, Cortina, Feltre, where exhibits also in the immediate postwar years, when ties relations with the Venetian and friends back to exhibit at Bevilacqua La Masa.
He received numerous awards, including the gold medal by the President of the Senate (1963), the second prize at the Golden Lamb Bressanone, then health begins to be poor. It dates back to'69 exhibition at a gallery Fontana di Venezia.
He died in 1970 while you are painting on the hill of Nevegal around Belluno.
Man of landscape of great capacity is not alien to the interpretation of the figure. It has been defined, perhaps reduced, the painter of snow, but it would be more appropriate to consider "poet of nature" in all its manifestations. A painter loved by collectors, connoisseurs and countrymen who seek and maintain jealously works.

Toni Piccolotto Scorcio di Facen 1933 olio su tavola cm 33X42

Toni Piccolotto Scorcio

Toni Piccolotto Paesaggio
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