Eugenio Carmi (Genoa, 17/2/1920 – Lugano, 16/2/2016). He trained in Turin under the guidance of the painter Felice Casorati. His long experience as a graphic artist, which be completed in the 1950s, was of fundamental importance for his artistic activity, based on a rigorous geometrical structure and a careful analysis of the colour values. He was artistic consultant at Italsider, the largest Italian steel firm, from 1958 to 1965.
In 1966 he took part in the Venice Biennale. In 1967 his electronic works were on show at the Superlund exhibition curated by Pierre Restany at Lund in Sweden. In 1968 he presented the Carm-o-matic at the Cybernetic Serendipity exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Art in London.
In 1973 he created a wholly abstract programme lasting 25 minutes for the Experimental Programmes Service of Rai and in the same year he held seminars on the visual arts at the Rhode Island Institute of Design at Providence in the United States. He has taught at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Macerata and Ravenna. His illustrations for 3 fairy tales by Umberto Eco are also well known; these have been published in Italy by Bompiani and in many other countries.
The most outstanding retrospective exhibition of his work was staged by the Milano municipality in 1990; this was followed by an important exhibition devoted to him by the city of Budapest at the Royal Palace in 1992. He has partipated in the major international biennales of the graphic arts, receiving important awards. Eugenio Carmi describes himself as an “image-maker”.

Ritratto Fotografico di Eugenio Carmi 2011 Foto di Ferdinando Scianna

Eugenio Carmi Genova 1, 1946, cm40,5x49,5 olio su tela

Eugenio Carmi Ritratto di Kiky, 1951, cm 60x46 olio su tela

Eugenio Carmi Senza titolo, 1957, cm 55,8x44,8 olio e china su carta

Eugenio Carmi Idea di due cerchi, 1960, cm 59,5x39,4 olio e pastello su carta

Eugenio Carmi Senza titolo 10, 1962-63, cm100x81 collage e olio su tela

Eugenio Carmi 72tondi+4, 1964, latta litografata

Eugenio Carmi In una città immaginaria, 1971, cm 130x100 acrilici su tela

Eugenio Carmi Segno sul rosso, 1974, cm 116x116 acrilici su tela

Eugenio Carmi Il miraggio, 1982, cm 150x120 acrilici su juta

Eugenio Carmi Fuga nell'infinito, 1989, cm 120x120 acrilici su juta

Eugenio Carmi Infinito, 1992, cm 100x100 acrilici su juta

Eugenio Carmi Tentativo di fuga, 1993, cm 100x80 acrilici su juta

Eugenio Carmi Memorie, 2002, cm 150x130 acrilici su juta

Eugenio Carmi Miraggio, 2008, cm 100x80 acrilici e vernice su juta

Eugenio Carmi Il sogno di Eva dopo il peccato originale, 2009, cm 120x100 acrilici e vernice su juta

Eugenio Carmi Spirale Aurea, 2012, cm 70x70 acrilici, vernice e collage su juta

Eugenio Carmi Da Pitagora a Eraclito, 2012, cm 100x100 acrilici, vernice e collage su juta

Eugenio Carmi E’un mistero, 2012, cm 50x50 acrilici, vernice e collage su juta

Eugenio Carmi photo by © Alain Chivilò

Eugenio Carmi photo by © Alain Chivilò
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